Current and prospective members of the Bilingualism Matters Centre at the University of Edinburgh are warmly invited to attend our next in-person meeting from 12.30-13.30 (UK time) on Wednesday 5 April 2023.

Attendees will be able to hear about the activities of the Centre in the last year, new membership plans for the coming year, and learn about new ways of collaboration within the network.

The meeting will take place in G.03/The Atrium of the Bayes Centre, Edinburgh EH8 9BT. A light lunch will be provided for all attendees.

Please contact if you are thinking of attending but have not already submitted an rsvp.

We are asking existing members of the Centre to renew their membership on 5 April 2023. If you are not able to attend the meeting to renew your membership, please get in touch via email.