The founding Director of Bilingualism Matters, Professor Antonella Sorace, gives talks and lectures around the world on bilingualism and language learning. For people interested in attending a talk, but unable to find one in their area, this page links to a few useful articles and informative videos you can find online.

More than one language – why bilingualism matters

From The British Academy 10-Minute Talks series.

Investing in Languages: Why Multilingualism Matters

A WebTalkUNA webinar co-presented by the United Nations Association of New York and Freedom United.

Bilingualism Matters Edinburgh Annual Event 2020

Two fascinating talks on bilingualism from our 2020 online Annual Event, followed by questions from the webinar audience, with British Sign Language interpretation and subtitles.

Refugee Week 2020: Let's Celebrate Languages!

Recording of Bilingualism Matters webinar for Refugee Week 2020, celebrating language diversity and discussing questions from the refugee community.

Why Gaelic Matters: The View From Research

A presentation on the benefits of bilingualism given in Skye, Scotland, in January 2019, particularly for parents who were considering whether to enrol their child in Gaelic medium education, but covering general points from research too.

Why language learning opens the mind: old prejudices, trendy myths, and new research

At the 2019 Anna Morpurgo Davies lecture, hosted jointly by the Philological Society and the British Academy.

Online Articles

The joys and benefits of bilingualism – The Guardian

6 Potential Brain Benefits Of Bilingual Education – NPR

What is the best age to learn a language? - BBC

The Sardinian professor fighting to save Gaelic – and all Europe’s minority tongues - The Guardian

Learn another language and keep your brain fit - The Irish Times