6 Jun, 2023

5 Jun, 2023

2 Jun, 2023

24 May 2023
The annual BM KE Forum is an opportunity for all to meet and learn about the work led by Bilingualism Matters members across the world of research, practice and media.

16 May, 2023
Reading regularly to children supports their language development, awakens their desire to read, and promotes their imagination.

27 April 2023
The last of three workshops in the Scotland’s Saturday Language Schools Series, organised by Bilingualism Matters and SCILT

23 Feb, 2023
Link Zoom: https://bit.ly/3YCR5GJ Meeting ID: 824 3441 2330 Passcode: 677925

Join us online on Monday 20 February, 16.00-17.30, for a showcase of up-to-date work on children and adults learning Gaelic for World Gaelic Week | Seachdain na Gàidhlig.

11 Nov, 2022

Join us in our new online format. Live and online with Q&A, chat & Expo + 3 months to catch up on anything you miss.

25 & 26 October 2022
Our annual interdisciplinary research conference is on again this year, with a two-day programme packed with the latest bilingualism research. Registrations open.

14 Oct, 2022
Die beiden Forscherinnen stellen gemeinsame Literacy Aktivitäten von Eltern und ErzieherInnen sowie ein individuelles Beratungskonzept aus der Praxis für die Praxis vor.

28 Sep, 2022
A Lusofonia abrange diversos grupos e indivíduos, se partilham a língua portuguesa não partilham as mesmas posições históricas. No Luxemburgo, os “lusófonos” constituem o maior grupo de migrantes, mais de 15,6 % da população (Statec 2020). Esta discussão visa refletir sobre como a língua e a história podem impactar a interação dos indivíduos dos países de língua oficial portuguesa no Luxemburgo. Os participantes são convidados a reflectir e partilhar sobre as suas vivências individuais e colectivas.

24 August 2022
Does anyone really speak only one language? At what point do you know enough of another language to call yourself bilingual? Join Antonella Sorace in this CODI Fringe show to find out.

15 August 2022
Antonella Sorace debates if single-language speakers really exist and Alan Gow explores how to keep sharp as we age, in this CODI show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

11 August 2022
Online panel discussion event at Curious, the online summer events programme from The Royal Society Edinburgh.

In einem kurzen Vortrag werden Prof. Dr. Claudine Kirsch und Prof. Dr. Elke Montanari Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie mit ein- bis dreijährigen Kindern Bücher lesen können. Wir werden die Wichtigkeit des Lesens für die Sprachentwicklung erklären und auf diese Weise einige Mythen zerlegen. Anschließend werden wir Ihre Fragen beantworten. Für Getränke und Snacks ist gesorgt.

30 Jun, 2022

22 Jun, 2022

31st May 2022
An informative event for Italian-speaking parents worried about the linguistic development of their bilingual children

Find out about our annual event for current and prospective members of Bilingualism Matters.

14th May 2022
An event dedicated to teachers to exchange experiences and provide ideas on how to handle and promote multilingualism in classrooms

Come and celebrate Polish Heritage Day with us!

Do you have questions about using Persian and other languages at home in Luxembourg? Join us at this event!

5 Apr, 2022
Assoc.-Prof. Pascale Engel de Abreu will present two intervention studies with linguistically diverse children in Luxembourg at the Slovenian national project Jeziki štejejo - Languages Matter, a project whose main goal is to determine which factors support and which hinder the creation of a supportive learning environment