18.11.2021 at 10.30 am
Guest talk by Dr. Michał Paradowski , University of Warsaw, basing on survey data from nearly 9,000 respondents from 118 countries.
30-Nov-2021 19:00-20:00
Vill vun eis si méisproocheg a froen sech, wéi si hir Kanner am beschte beim Sproocheléieren ënnerstëtze kënnen. Dësen Informatiounsowend analyséiert e puer vun de Mythen ronderëm Méisproochegkeet a presentéiert Prinzippien, Methoden a Strategië fir Méisproochegkeet ze fërderen.
10 Nov, 2021
Join us for an evening of information and interaction as we meet in person* for a presentation on the benefits of bilingualism in children and adults!
25 & 26 October 2021
Our annual interdisciplinary research conference is online again this year, with a two-day programme packed with the latest bilingualism research. Registrations close on Sunday 24th Oct 2021.
Can Luxembourg be a model for the Brussels region? Sven Gatz (Minister of Multilingualism in Belgium), Philippe Van Parijs (President of the Brussels Chair of Multilingualism), Thomas Lambert (Ambassador of Belgium in Luxembourg) and their team visit the University of Luxembourg to find out how multilingualism is promoted in education.
13th July 2021
Open discussion about bilingualism dedicated to speech and language therapists
22 Jun, 2021
Tuesday, 29 June from 12:00 to 13:00
Prof. Claudine Kirsch, Associate Professor in languages at the University of Luxembourg will talk about myths on multilingualism, her research studies in formal and non-formal education, and the Bilingualism Matters branch in Luxembourg.
15-June-2021, 16:00-17:30
Sharon Avni, City University of New York (CUNY): "American Jewish Summer Camps as Translanguaging Thirdspaces"
May 25, 8-9pm CEST
Do you ever wonder HOW to raise your children with more than one language? Then join us in our online meeting with Eowyn Crisfield, author of 'Bilingual Families: A Practical Language Planning Guide'.
21st February and 6th March 2021
Q&A for bilingual children's parents
The Minister of national Education, Early Childhood and Youth of Luxembourg
9 experts on multilingualism congratulate to the launch of BM Luxembourg branch
21 February 2021
On the International Mother Language Day (21 February 2021), the MultiMind team together with different Bilingualism Matters branches are organising interactive online events on "Multilingualism: myths, facts, research, and stories".
20 Jan, 2021
From 27th to 28th November 2020
Bilingualism, a world to discover!
Find out about public events from members of our Bilingualism Matters branches around the world.
Various dates
21 Oct, 2020
5 Apr, 2020